meaning meaning n. 意味, 意義; 趣旨. 【動詞+】 acquire a new meaning (言葉などが)新しい意味をもつようになる add a new meaning to… …に新しい意味を付け加える ascribe a deeper meaning to… 《文語》 …にはもっと深い意味があるとみなす In science i
just as we cannot ignore the literal meaning of words 我々が言葉の意味を無視できないのと同様に
originally , the literal meaning of hatsuho was rice ear . 元々は文字通り稲(を含む穀物)の穂であった。
even when the literal meaning gives the wrong answer . 我々はその意味を無視することができないことを示すのです
grown ups ' here has its literal meaning of ' adult ' 「大人」とはすなわち「おとな」の意。
the test shows that we cannot ignore the literal meaning of words このテストは色が文字が示す意味と異なっていても
many koan consist of an inconsistent style of words and it is difficult to understand the literal meaning logically . 公案の多くが自己矛盾的文体を為しており、そのまま意味を理解しようとしても論理的に破綻する場合が多い。
in spite of the literal meaning of tsume biki , the shamisen player should use not its fingernails but its fingertips alongside for plucking the strings . 爪弾きとは言え、正式には爪は糸に当ててはならず、爪の横の指の端で弾く。
no , i am aware of the literal meaning of the word classified , what i'm asking is why would a maths professor have his military records classified ? いや 機密の意味はわかってる 聞きたいのは なぜ 数学の教授の軍歴が 機密扱いなのか?
some temples have gates that are referred to using the japanese kanji " 三門 " (pronounced " sanmon " , the literal meaning of this term is " three gates " ) in addition to gates that are referred to using the japanese kanji " 山門 " (also pronounced " sanmon " , the literal meaning of this term is " mountain gates " ). 山門とは別に三門を構える例もある。
some temples have gates that are referred to using the japanese kanji " 三門 " (pronounced " sanmon " , the literal meaning of this term is " three gates " ) in addition to gates that are referred to using the japanese kanji " 山門 " (also pronounced " sanmon " , the literal meaning of this term is " mountain gates " ). 山門とは別に三門を構える例もある。